God is in Control

Perfect Isn’t the Point.

Very good article written by a mother.  Men read and also learn with humility because much of it applies to us also.

One Important lesson:

Moving from disappointment to grace requires two shifts in perspective. First, we need to shift our perspective from who we think is in control (us) to who is really in control (God). When we trust that God knows what He’s doing, we become more flexible, especially when things don’t go as we planned.

The other perspective change is this: The moment in which we find ourselves is just as important as the moment we planned to be in. We need to embrace “what is” instead of dwelling on “what could have been.” When we allow God to lead and we embrace the moments we’re given, our hearts become compassionate and flexible.

Friends wish you all the best.

Baggage Claim-Getting Past the Past

The question, when will my life not suck? is more of a statement than a question. It’s a frustrated protest of current conditions, not so much a genuine hope for better days. The past can be an antique mall of old hurts, wounds, offenses, rejections, neglect, abuse, lack of opportunity, missed opportunities, and squelched dreams. In the vintage baggage section you can find mocked aspirations , conspiracies, sabotage, prejudice, poor health, insufficient funds, unsupportive parents, bad dates, evil ex-spouses, and rebellious children. That’s just a sampling from the bottomless pit of bad things that have happened to us. Then there’s an entirely different aisle for our own past crimes—sins, failures , bad decisions, and stupid mistakes— that we profess still bring us suffering or punishment. Hold onto your shopping basket; an enthusiastic shopper can find plenty of items to justify the self-pitying claim: “See, look at this! My whole life has sucked.” Let me hasten to say that I don’t mean to make light of painful experiences in your past. As a pastor and therapist I’ve been given a front-row seat to unimaginable suffering. I have often left a home, a hospital , a jail, or my counseling office, shook my head, and thought, “I don’t know if I could survive if I had to endure that.” I fully recognize that the past has profound influence on our present experience. But a large measure of the past’s power and control in our lives is authorized by us. Some of us are so weighed down by our past that we are practically carrying our tombstone to announce that we are no longer really living— they just haven’t buried our body yet. The dates of our birth and death are already etched into the granite. The final date was when we were fired, when the affair was discovered, when our spouse left, when the business failed, when the accident happened, when our loved one died, when our child rebelled, when we declared bankruptcy , when the diagnosis was confirmed,when the house went into foreclosure, when he started drinking, or when we got that phone call. We’re the walking dead, emotionally and spiritually hollowed-out, just waiting for our body and the coroner to make it official. “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3: 13– 14 NASB). I’ve always had a fondness for that verse because it has my last name in it. But more importantly it reveals Paul’s approach to engaging his past, present, and future.

Quote from: Presson, Ramon (2011-03-01). When Will My Life Not Suck?: Authentic Hope for the Disillusioned (p. 109). New Growth Press. Kindle Edition.

Here is an answer to problems we face to handling the past.  Ask Jesus to forgive where I have sinned and help me to be different in future.  I apologize/repay/return for what I have done to anyone and set right my life.and trust Jesus to help me in the future.


One Year Bible OnLine – Where To Look In Times Of Need

One Year Bible OnLine – Where To Look In Times Of Need.

Hi.  When you are in any problem and need help, come to this link and read what God’s Word has to say and you will be helped and comforted.

You Can Energise your Work… And Your Life! – Common Sense Living Newsletter

You Can Energise your Work… And Your Life! – Common Sense Living Newsletter.

Comment: Nice presentation and opening article.  Have some energy at home and work.  I also need it.  Speaking for myself, I felt earlier itself that I need to be like this and started working towards it by cheering people when I walk by or when they walk by my table.  Also on my mind, what is written in Psalm 16 that I have the Lord present with me all the time.  Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  In His presence is fulness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forever.  But there is still a long way to go.  But not discouraged but encouraged to continue.

Turning Personal Loss into Public Gain

Hi read this:

Here is Good News for You

I have witnessed it over and over: people’s greatest ministry is often built on the platform of their greatest brokenness. They are living examples of what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4: “… the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” It’s vital that we not waste our pain but recycle and redeem it.

Presson, Ramon (2011-03-01). When Will My Life Not Suck?: Authentic Hope for the Disillusioned (p. 65). New Growth Press. Kindle Edition.

God has shown His Goodness to me. He has shown me that all things happen for my very best and I must set the example of Christ in all situations in my life. Even when things go wrong and I have trouble, He tells me to be…

View original post 388 more words

Always khushi, Never gham: Are we afraid to be happy? – Common Sense Living Newsletter

Always khushi, Never gham: Are we afraid to be happy? – Common Sense Living Newsletter.

Jesus said, The lamp of the body is the eye.  When your eye is full of light, you see well and also have a good attitude.  So pay attention that the light in you is not darkness (wrong attitude), but get the Light of Life.

Comforting Arms

Comforting Arms.

Comforting Arms

Dr. Stephen Davy

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

There is a vivid memory etched in my mind—a day when one of my sons hugged a tree in our back yard. The tree had a “ladder” of nails driven into it, and he used them for climbing. I was about fifty yards away, watching and admiring the athletic prowess of my son, as he hung from the first branch eight feet from the ground. But his foot slipped off the nail and I saw his body swivel around to the other side of the tree.

As he held on to the trunk with one arm and wrapped a leg around the tree, he yelled for help. I began walking toward the tree, but in his moment of distress, he didn’t wait for me to arrive. Typical of the very young, he hadn’t yet discovered that sometimes it hurts more to let go than to hang on, so—he released his hold on the branch. He slid down the trunk and skinned himself on every nail protruding from the tree. A long bloody gash stretched from his waist to his chest.

He hit the ground, immediately bounded up, and came running. His feet were moving so fast that he even fell once as he ran. When he reached me, he leapt into my arms and began to wail. I just held him and hugged him, because I knew he was experiencing more pain than he had ever felt before. Although I am not a great father—in fact, sometimes, I’m not even a good father—I did what comes naturally to any parent witnessing his child in pain… I comforted him.

Why is it that we think God will do any less for His children? Why is it that we think God groans when He sees us coming to Him in pain? We assume He is thinking, “Oh, no… you’re hurt again?” If we, as fallen, sinful, earthly parents can comfort our children in times of distress, whatever the cause, how much more will our perfect heavenly Father comfort us in our distress—whatever the cause?

The word for comfort in Matthew 5:4 is not sympathy, which means to feel with, or empathy, which means to have experienced the same thing and feel with, but a combination of two Latin words which mean to put strength in; to infuse with power.

This means that God doesn’t just pat us on the back when we are in mourning; He gives us what we need to endure the pain of sadness. It’s as David said in Psalm 138:3, “On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.”

Have you fallen from any trees lately? God will lift you up—blood, tears and all. So go ahead . . . wail to Him in your sorrow; cry to Him in your distress; jump into His arms of healing.

Your Father is waiting to hold you close to Him. Then you will learn what Christ meant when He said, “Blessed are those who mourn . . . for they shall be comforted.”

[Content provided by OnePlace.com]

Help people learn English: Spoken English Program | itimes

Teach India 2014 – Spoken English Program | itimes.

Please volunteer and join this group or pray for the needy people whose lives can be changed, I feel it is a very good effort.

Day 1 – Day By Day With Billy Graham – Filled with Christ

Day 1 – Day By Day With Billy Graham | The New Bible.com.

Philippians 3:13:13Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.


Filled With Christ

As we flick the calendar to a new year, we come face to face with the fact that our days on earth are numbered. As the Psalmist wrote, “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” No thoughtful person can approach New Year’s Day without some introspection. We are reminded of the brevity of time. We also look back over our failures, mistakes, and missed opportunities, and vow that we will make better use of our time during the coming year. We should take time to be pleasant, to smile, to extend the small courtesies we often omit—to show love to our family. Psychiatrists tell us that most people are starved for love. Take time for the goodbye kiss; we shall go to work with a sweeter spirit. Let us take time to get acquainted with our families. We are not machines. We are not robots. The secret of a happy home is that members of the family learn to give and receive love. Let us take time to express our love in a thousand ways.

Daily Prayer

As I begin a new year, Lord Jesus, I pray that my walk through the days ahead will be filled with Your love for others, a love that does not count the cost.